Customer Reviews Online


The Customer Reviews widget makes it easy for Customers to tell people what they thought of their recent Sales or Service experience. Once they have completed their survey they’ll be asked if they want to submit a review on the Dealer’s website.

You’re in control of what’s gets posted. Reviews need to be approved before they go online. This prevents sensitive content from being released to the public. Continue reading for more information about this functionality.

Help Sections

More information is available in the sections below.

Survey Impact

The survey will be impacted by adding the TME approved Customer Review question at the end of the existing Customer Recommendation surveys on both short and long survey, for both email and SMS contact methods. This will allow the NMSCs to collect the star ratings and the reviews from the Customers.

Click here for greater detail pertaining specifically to the Service Survey.Click here for greater detail pertaining specifically to the Service Survey.

The impact of Body and Paint and Recall introduction in the Service Survey is the following:

• Maintenance (QF1 – a + mapping with Import file) or

• Or Repair non-collision (QF1 – b + mapping with Import file) -> display the Customer

For all other items of QF1

A look at the new Customer-facing screen

After the submission of the CR questionnaires, a new page will appear asking Customers if they would like to leave a review:

Page buttons:

Customer Review Template

Customers who have chosen to leave a review will be taken to this page:

The mandatory fields of the Customer Review are:

That means that:

Nickname is the customer's choice but by default it will be their first name + first letter of the last name.

The "?" icons on the review template display tool tips. The text that appears for each is as follows:

The terms & conditions and more info sections will include the legal disclaimers and the conditions of display / use of the reviews. The exact Legal wording is the responsibility of the NMSC and/or their legal/digital team. 

As a guideline, look to address these inquiries with your content:


How It Works

The following flow chart illustrates the steps and responsibilities that enable Customer Reviews to be published online.

Customer Reviews can appear online in as little as 3 days depending on how quickly they are approved.

Day 1

Day 1 Night

Day 2

Day 2 Night

Day 3

Customer Review is submitted

Review is auto-filtered, removing items with foul language

New Review notification is sent

Review is processed for publication

Customer Review is available to be published to the dealership page

Review is available in the moderation tool and approved


Moderation Tool

A Moderation Tool will be included on the portal to give you control over the reviews published to your site.

The Ibex engine will automatically process reviews and any containing words which are a match to items on your Foul Language List [hyperlink to foul language section] will be flagged with the “warning” status.

Completed Reviews will then be pushed to the CSmile Moderation tool. A review needs to be approved in the Moderation tool before it can be processed/sent for online publication.

Why do Reviews need to be approved?Why do Reviews need to be approved?

Customer reviews could include personal attacks against dealership personnel, innacuracies, even mentions of goodwill being offered might be something you don’t wish to broadcast publicly. Transparency is provided within CSmile as you will be able to see all Customer Reviews and whether they have been approved or rejected. If rejected, the complete Customer Reviews would not be passed for publication, but will be visible within the moderation tool.

Location of the Moderation Tool

The Moderation Tool is found via the CSM drop down menu beside your Welcome near the Logout option.

In order to assist with the moderation process, each market will have in place guidelines for the review moderation. As a reference, click here to find the guidelines currently used by TGB and here to see the Pan-E rejections list.

Setting up Access to the Moderation Tool

Click here to learn more about Configuring Users for Customer Reviews.

External Users – Enabling third party non-TME users

Third party vendors can be given access to the Moderation Tool without gaining access to CSmile in it’s entirety. 

Create these login permissions within the Customer Reviews Module.

Customer Reviews Notifications


CSmile will issue notifications each week day to let the Moderator know that there are Customer Reviews pending.

If there are no pending reviews no notification will be issued.

Signing up for notifications is done via the CSmile Admin Module.



Foul Language


Customer Reviews containing Foul Language will be marked with a “warning” status prior to being available for review in the moderation tool. Words that constitute foul language are determined by the NMSCs and provided to Ibex.

The foul language list will be accessible through the CSmile portal and can be downloaded and uploaded as shown in the image below. Future updates to the list of words will be available through this functionality, by downloading the existing list, adding to it and uploading the updated list.

NMSC Responsibilities


Individual NMSCs have freedoms and responsibilities within the functions of this widget. These have been covered in the sections above and are summarized here for your convenience.