TGB Moderation Guidelines
TGB’s moderation guidelines for Reviews
- Competitor References: If content mentions any known or suspected competitor
- Complaints or Praise of Dealers: If content praises or complains about any dealer of the client’s vehicles, by name or otherwise
- Customer Service: If a user mentions an interaction with a client’s representative that resulted in an unsatisfactory outcome
- Safety Concerns: If there is any suggestion that the vehicle is unsafe
- Requests for “Buy-backs”: If content contains any request for the client to buy back a defective vehicle
- Evidence of Violence to Children, Child Pornography, Serious Injury to or Death of a Child, or Death of an Adult
- Legal Interest: If content contains a call for legal action against the client or claims that the client is breaking the law, including selling counterfeits/fake or pirated good
- Potential Danger: If a user mentions that something about the product or its use is unsafe
- Price Reference: If content in any way references a specific price of the reviewed product, any other product, or shipping
- Foreign Languages: If the content’s language does not match “Expected Language”
- Personally Identifiable Information: If content contains personal information, such as phone numbers, specific physical addresses, or e-mail addresses
- Identity Theft: If content contains credit card information, social security numbers, bank account numbers, or any other data that could lead to identity theft
- URLs: If content contains hyperlinks or URLs
- Inappropriate Photos, Videos, or Use of Music: if content contains any nudity or the videos and music is probably copyrighted.
- Spam: if the same piece of content is duplicated on a massive scale.
- Generally Inappropriate Comments:
- Inappropriate Comments Directed at Other Users:
- Inappropriate Comments Directed at Companies:
- Discriminatory Statements:
- Irrelevant comments: excessive random characters, concerns the price rather than the product, poorly written as to be unintelligible.
- Under-aged Reviewer: If content contains any text that identifies the reviewer as being under the age of 13.
- Profanity: If content contains any profanity or vulgar slang.
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